It’s often said when life gives you lemons 🍋 make lemonade, well let me tell ya I’ve got some of the best sweetest lemonade you’ve ever had. This lemonade stand is always open for business! Life is full of surprises and you never know what tomorrow might bring. James is one of my favorite books in the Bible and it reminds us that we will go through trials in our lives and that not every day will bring sunshine or rainbows, we must count it all joy.
At 17 years old and only married for a year I started having a lot of painful women issues, which was also the cause of my infertility being young and on my own I just went along with what Doctors suggested. Birth control for regulating my monthly cycles and iron supplements for anemia caused by irregularities.
On my part I trusted God and left it in His hands and did a lot of prayer.
I always say Florida was my dessert and my greatest blessing. I dislike the heat with everything in me and it was the last place I wanted to move to, it was a DESERT 🥵 but God had a perfect plan. In 2008 God open the doors for us to move to Palm Bay Florida where Milton took the position of Family life Pastor.
Here,in the place I’d called my desert Ministry was great, it was here were I was able to go back school and become a cosmetologist, where we spend time with family and saw our nieces grow, we spend a lot of time with Gramma when she took ill before losing her battle to cancer, made lifelong friends that we call family,we adopted 5 kids! And it was here where I found an amazing Doctor also. Dr. Olivera who at the first visit pointed out I was morbidly obese and had to do something about it if I wanted a good quality of life. He also took in all my concerns and answered all my questions and said “I’m going to run a lot of tests and we will get to the bottom of it and get you healthy”
After doing all tests & scans I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ) my Ovaries produce many painful cysts causing infertility.
After the diagnosis I was put on hormonal therapy every 4 hrs night and day for months until everything was normal for a few months then again repeating the treatment. During this time I had a D&C done. (Dilation & Curettage) The decision was made to have an Essure implant put in and have an Endometrial ablation done in which the uterus lining is melted away to regulate monthly cycles.
My decision to have a semi-normal life would come with a high price that I really didn’t want to pay, if the procedures were done I would be completely infertile something I wasn’t prepare to deal with, I always had the hope and the trust in God that some day I will carry a child again, He had given me word of me having many children and the promise of happiness.
This was a bushel of lemons..... So I made lemonade for years to come we decide to trust God and go ahead with the procedures. It sure turn out to be some sweet lemonade the procedures help out so much I was able to have normal life with the occasional cyst pain,I just waited it out and let it resolve itself. It was during this new normally that God open the door in fostering those in need of care and love that we had tons of to give away and we were able to adopt our 5 children my desert was turning into an oasis.
After being in Florida for 9 years God moved us to Illinois and now Maryland we have been in paradise a bit over a year and God has been doing amazing and wonderful things in our ministry and family.
But guess what in December 2019 I got a little bag of lemons and I’ve been making lemonade since then. I started having a lot of discomfort and pain in my lower abdomen and had to get some extensive tests and scans done turns out I have the usual cysts on my left ovary and many large fibroids in my uterus causing pain like I’ve never had before. On a good day I make the best of it I put my best face forward catch up with house work, play with the kids, run errands and danced with my son on his wedding day. On a bad day I spend all day in bed with lots of pain, sleep take meds have tea and catch up on my crime series.
I think this batch of lemonade has been the hardest to get the right taste. I’m very independent and I like to do things my way and when I want to.To be the helper not to be helped. That doesn’t go so well in my bad days I have to lay back and depend on everyone else to help out it’s a very hard thing for me to do, but I have to give in and allow people to help me cause I need it.
This past Friday I had a follow up with my Gynecologist and the decision was made that in order for me to get some relief from the constant pain I have to have a hysterectomy done. So here I’am making more lemonade and to say that I’m having fun would be stretching the truth.
I trust God in every season of my life and believe that every season has its reason and something good will come out of this lemonade stand.
James 1
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