When you have a million things to do,have 3 sick toddlers that are beyond exhausted who refuse to sleep and they are bouncing of the walls on pure adrenaline. Lunch is hasn't made it down to my stomach and Its time to run. Because they think they are part of the World's Olympic Gymnastic Team and their beds are their trampolines.
They sound beautiful talking to each other and the laughing its contagious,But can we just take a break and get some rest and let mamma do the Juggling of the the laundry ,the sweeping,the dishes,the mopping and ta coffee break before its time to go load up the car and head for the bus stop.
Four days of being unable to walk or move about after throwing my back out picking up one of the babies,took its toll on the house,Milton and the boys were great cooking , trying to clean and keep up with the 3 little ones but even then I feel like its time to start our daily routine of cleaning and keeping up with everything,Summer is done no more slacking.
But every time I pick up the broom or take a piece of clothing to fold wouldn't you know in the baby monitor you have someone playing peek-a-boo behind the curtains or running to each others bed yelling "I get you!!!" Time to un upstairs and lay them down again because calling them out through the monitor seems to only have a "NO" reaction from them.
Might as well let them go play wear them out maybe they will go to bed earlier tonight, I'll just and pick up that book I started reading last week .Oh no! But wait now they want to join my reading club.Come on little ones lets go play in your toddler proof room that have locked closets, curtains are put up now and you only have toys and beds.How can you get in trouble there? There!!!! That new toy we never saw before " Look, it closes and opens lets take turns ". Whats this magical thing are starting to fight over ? ITS A DOOR!!!
Ok Lets try playing with the building blocks.Now I can sit and try to fold laundry, never mind the building blocks are also use to hit your sister on the head with. Or why use your words when you can follow her around the room crying and yelling hoping she will give in and return the toy she took from you.
And who ever said potty trained kids were easier, they lied! Not one but all 3 have to go potty and its time to take turns on the potty because once you're done it has to be taken out of the room we don't want you getting any more ideas.
As we were ,Laundry yes laundry nope, time to load up the car get the boys at the bus stop, come home try to attempt crossing off some of the things on the long list of things that need to be done before I go away for the weekend....
Homework needs to be looked at and dinner still needs to be cooked.But by now the medicine has worn off and its time to sit down again and snuggle my sick babies.
Tonight might be a PB&J kind of dinner night.
And then I can try the juggling act once again after they've fought their sleep for 45 minutes.
They sound beautiful talking to each other and the laughing its contagious,But can we just take a break and get some rest and let mamma do the Juggling of the the laundry ,the sweeping,the dishes,the mopping and ta coffee break before its time to go load up the car and head for the bus stop.
Four days of being unable to walk or move about after throwing my back out picking up one of the babies,took its toll on the house,Milton and the boys were great cooking , trying to clean and keep up with the 3 little ones but even then I feel like its time to start our daily routine of cleaning and keeping up with everything,Summer is done no more slacking.
But every time I pick up the broom or take a piece of clothing to fold wouldn't you know in the baby monitor you have someone playing peek-a-boo behind the curtains or running to each others bed yelling "I get you!!!" Time to un upstairs and lay them down again because calling them out through the monitor seems to only have a "NO" reaction from them.
Might as well let them go play wear them out maybe they will go to bed earlier tonight, I'll just and pick up that book I started reading last week .Oh no! But wait now they want to join my reading club.Come on little ones lets go play in your toddler proof room that have locked closets, curtains are put up now and you only have toys and beds.How can you get in trouble there? There!!!! That new toy we never saw before " Look, it closes and opens lets take turns ". Whats this magical thing are starting to fight over ? ITS A DOOR!!!
Ok Lets try playing with the building blocks.Now I can sit and try to fold laundry, never mind the building blocks are also use to hit your sister on the head with. Or why use your words when you can follow her around the room crying and yelling hoping she will give in and return the toy she took from you.
And who ever said potty trained kids were easier, they lied! Not one but all 3 have to go potty and its time to take turns on the potty because once you're done it has to be taken out of the room we don't want you getting any more ideas.
As we were ,Laundry yes laundry nope, time to load up the car get the boys at the bus stop, come home try to attempt crossing off some of the things on the long list of things that need to be done before I go away for the weekend....
Homework needs to be looked at and dinner still needs to be cooked.But by now the medicine has worn off and its time to sit down again and snuggle my sick babies.
Tonight might be a PB&J kind of dinner night.
And then I can try the juggling act once again after they've fought their sleep for 45 minutes.
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