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Nothing better than to be awaken from the best deep sleep with the sound off ALL the smoke detectors going in the house.

This morning was the same as every morning the older twins (almost 10) woke up about 6:30am and made their breakfast.When all of the sudden I get awaken by the sound of the smoke detector then the next and all of the sudden the house was extremely loud.I constantly tell people somewhere along the journey of being a mother of 6 I have lost my panic button,I slightly turned over to Milton and said "They burnt the toast" He goes downstairs to find the kitchen filled with smoke and a very scared panic and frozen Abraham in front of the NEW TOASTER oven with the toast still in a flame.

So of course he access the situation and takes the toaster outside.He goes back upstair lays back down and who can go back sleep after a great ordeal like the one we just had ? Too much adrenaline pumping too early.We start talking about our agendas for the day and then woke up the triplets who surprisingly slept through the whole thing.

I went ahead and started making breakfast for the babies and then Milton brings in "MY NEW MINT COLOR TOASTER OVER"  Which I had just bought 4 days ago! Black as can be.

Instantly a rush of fury rushed over me and I start scolding Abraham about how carless he was and how he could of cause all of us to be trapped in a fire and how he and Michael would've  been the first to be caught in it being that they where downstairs where it started, did i mention it was NEW TOASTER?! Abraham just looked a me and said "I know" But some how I didn't feel he was grasping the point and the seriousness of what just had happened all he was hearing was my screams.

When all of a sudden it hit me like a cold bucket of water,according to them they had this same kind of incident happen to them when they where about 3. Bio mom had to crawl out of the window to save them from a fire. We don't know how true this is since it was something that was not on their records and they were so small,but if it was true I was causing more harm than security with my words and actions.

I sat down to have my breakfast and called him over he sat by me and in a calm voice I started to tell him that it was a very dangerous situation and we were all put in danger.

I say "look at me,where you scared?" He looked at me nodded his head yes and started sobbing...
Abraham was starting to get it, it finally clicked when I told him that panic paralyzes us and it doesn't allow us to think and in order to survive a dangerous situation you have to think fast and act even faster.You have to do what's in your power to survive. I hugged him and told him we were going to learn about safety today. He say ok and went to watch tv.

Nissi had a dentist appointment so I took her and after an hour and a half I was back.I decided to clean the NEW TOASTER oven and there it was rising up again the fury of how can he be so carless? I had just gotten this toaster 4 days ago with the matching coffee pot. As Im scrubbing and complaining trying to restore it back to NEW, Milton tells me "It was only $10 you can get you a new one. Before I could say it, he responds with my usual comeback."I know but, thats not the point"

Right there I felt God giving me a life lesson.Nope, we are not going to get a NEW one we will just keep it and every time I see it through the day it will remind me of what happened today and to be patient with my kids to show them grace to love them even more when they make mistakes.To show them kindness so they can show it to those that have wrong them.

Doesn't that remind you of God's amazing grace? We constantly make mistakes sometimes the same ones over and over and He continually just sits with us and walks us through what we already should know but tend to forget. Yet He's always quick to forget our mistakes and gives reassurance that His love is never ending.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7International Children’s Bible (ICB)

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, is not selfish, and does not become angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it. Love takes no pleasure in evil, but rejoices over the truth. Love patiently accepts all things. It always trusts, always hopes, and always continues strong.


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