*Every other day the Twins pick 4 chores each out of our chore envelope (luck of the draw)
Kitchen,bathrooms,trash,vacuuming,Dog,bleaching,laundry,yards and together they have to do their room.
*Every morning before we leave our rooms the beds need to be made and laundry picked up.
*There's a breakfast menu
Frozen PB&J (homemade)
Breakfast burritos (homemade)
Mini Pancakes
Frozen gogurts
*Clean out the car when we get out of it.
*Every night before we go to bed we tidy up as much as possible.
*If it's a late night out I dress the babies in clothes that they can sleep in and their diapers get changed before we get home so they can go straight to bed when we get home.
*We always have a leftover night where we eat all the left overs of the week.
Usually there's a day when things get out of hand but for the most part we are able to keep it under control.
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