One of my greatest joys was seeing my oldest son Nehemiah go off to College and not just to college but Bible college.Something that Milton and I prayed for from the minute we knew we were expecting him.To see him love and respect for God and others makes us proud to say "We did alright the first time around, lets try this 5 more times " I'm not saying we didn't make mistakes or that he was a perfect child /teen but it wasn't over whelming that we couldn't handle it.It just took at HARD tug to remind him what was expected of a child of God.
Many people ask "How do you do it?" "You're super mom" "You're amazing"
Well I usually say "I just do it and at the end of the day I say thank you Jesus the day is done" and I'm not amazing or super mom. I'M JUST A MOM. And I Have chosen to pick whats most important and what really needs attention the most.
God has and always will be number one in or family no exception and family is next.We make family a priority.We stop and think what do the kids need right now? In our case our children right now need our support love and time with them and that is what we aim for.
The "Triplets" (3 babies who are 1) that we have, need a daily routine.Lunch time is usually 11:30 with nap time following right after, right now as I'm typing they've been sleeping for 35 minutes praying it will last another hour ;D. There's also 3 loads of laundry to be folded and get put away,a garage full of donations that need to be sorted out for a project that its about to start.All the downstairs need to be mop,dishwasher needs to be empty and reloaded and baseboards that need to be wipe down.But instead I decided to blog.
I chose to spend some time catching up on emails and my devotions and put all that work aside for another day.I don't feel like doing it today and I finally came to the conclusion that with little ones my house will never look perfect and it will never be like "SO&SO'S" who is always spotless. The mess will always be there no matter how much I stress over it.
I can be selfish during nap time and do things I enjoy.Like a nap, a steaming HOT meal,a movie,candy crush,catching up on FB,a shower or just a quiet potty break.
And when my kids come home from school we will work on school projects and play time TV time FAMILY DINNER TOGETHER ....
All that long list of things that didn't get done, guess what? It can wait for tomorrow if I'm in the mood for it or I will save it for a life learning lesson for my kids.
"Oh you cant get along with your brother ? Well, now you have to work together you fold the clothes while he puts it away"
"Oh I'm so sorry you are bored here's a wet rag and go clean all the upstairs baseboards and door frames while your brother does the downstairs"
Tomorrow I might be able to sleep in and get up before the triplets and take a shower do my hair and maybe just maybe actually wear REAL clothes or maybe not.we shall see but this I know FAMILY IS FIRST.
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