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Showing posts from September, 2016

At the Olympics

When you have a million things to do,have 3 sick toddlers that are beyond exhausted who refuse to sleep and they are bouncing of the walls on pure adrenaline. Lunch is hasn't made it down to my stomach and Its time to run. Because they think they are part of the World's Olympic Gymnastic Team and their beds are their trampolines. They sound beautiful talking to each other and the laughing its contagious,But can we just take a break and get some rest and let mamma do the Juggling of the the laundry ,the sweeping,the dishes,the mopping and ta coffee break before its time to go load up the car and head for the bus stop. Four days of being unable to walk or move about after throwing my back out picking up one of the babies,took its toll on the house,Milton and the boys were great cooking , trying to clean and keep up with the 3 little ones but even then I feel like its time to start our daily routine of cleaning and keeping up with everything,Summer is done no more slacking. ...