Life at the Mazariegos is always fast and on going ,so anytime I can make it easy on me or on anyone here Im on it.With 3 one year olds at home I like to get as much sleep as possible,mornings are not my thing therefore I like to prepare ahead of time.Once a month I pre make meals and do other small things to keep the house afloat and help us all out in our every day "I'm running late" rush. Here is a list of some of the things we do..... *Every other day the Twins pick 4 chores each out of our chore envelope (luck of the draw) Kitchen,bathrooms,trash,vacuuming,Dog,bleaching,laundry,yards and together they have to do their room. *Every morning before we leave our rooms the beds need to be made and laundry picked up. *There's a breakfast menu Cereal Frozen PB&J (homemade) Breakfast burritos (homemade) Mini Pancakes Frozen gogurts *Clean out the car when we get out of it. *Every night before we go to bed we tidy up as much as possible. *If it's a late nig...