One of my greatest joys was seeing my oldest son Nehemiah go off to College and not just to college but Bible college.Something that Milton and I prayed for from the minute we knew we were expecting him.To see him love and respect for God and others makes us proud to say "We did alright the first time around, lets try this 5 more times " I'm not saying we didn't make mistakes or that he was a perfect child /teen but it wasn't over whelming that we couldn't handle it.It just took at HARD tug to remind him what was expected of a child of God. Many people ask "How do you do it?" "You're super mom" "You're amazing" . Well I usually say "I just do it and at the end of the day I say thank you Jesus the day is done" and I'm not amazing or super mom. I'M JUST A MOM. And I Have chosen to pick whats most important and what really needs attention the most. God has and always will be number one in or f...