It seams like these last days have been a blur and at the same time full of chaos.So much information coming in and things changing so rapidly. It’s easy to forget that this too shall pass. Let us not forget that no matter how crazy or scary things get GOD is in control.And that His peace makes the fear disappear. Let us surround ourselves with what brings us peace, calmness and the reassurance that better days are at hands reach. Speak the word of God in your home,declare his promises over you household. Speaking positively will give hope to those around you, your children will feel safe and not stressed or anxious.Play worship music that speaks of the greatest of God, His faithfulness,His wonders, His miracles,and how He’s the all powerful and Invincible.He is your healer,your Protector & your Provider. Remember that we are one body,we are better together! We might no be physically together but we are in spirit. We live in a time when everything is accessible to us at the tou...